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Skin & Nail Care

Our highly skilled Podiatrists can assess and treat any skin and nail problem, which may arise due to illness, poor foot alignment and lifestyle. 


Most of the treatments we use to help you are pain-free and will provide you with the instant relief you were searching for. We aim to have you ‘floating’ out of our clinic.


Some of the more common skin and nail conditions we treat are;

  • Calluses and Corns

  • Fungal Nails and Skin ( Athlete’s Foot)

  • Thickened Toenails

  • Warts

  • Fissures / Dry Cracked Heels

  • Ingrown Toenails

  • Ulcers and Wounds

  • Dermatitis and Psoriasis

  • Sweaty and Smelly Feet 

  • Chilblains

Foot Care Viewbank Podiatry
Callus Treatment Viewbank Podiatry

What is a callus?

Callus or hard skin forms on the bottom of your foot or over areas of high pressure. The skin responds to the pressure by thickening to help protect your foot. The most effective way to manage callus is by debriding the hard skin regularly. If the hard skin is left it can become cracked and even painful. An area with concentrated callus could develop into a painful corn.  

What are corns?

Corns, like callous, develop from friction and areas of high pressure. They can be caused by; poorly fitting footwear, excessive activity and abnormal foot mechanics. Corns generally present as hard, thickened skin with a central core. 


Corns can be managed with regular appointments with your podiatrist. Their removal is usually pain free and the relief is instant. Your podiatrist may choose to introduce an orthotic or insole to offload the area of high pressure and therefore slow the progression of the corn. 

What is tinea?

Tinea pedis or Athlete’s Foot is a common fungal infection of the foot. Tinea can be contracted in communal areas such as swimming pools and gyms. The fungal spores thrive in a moist environment. Tinea is common among sports people who continually sweat. 


Tinea will often present as odorous, itchy, dry and scaly skin. It can present between the toes or around the arch and heel region.


Tinea can be managed with a topical anti-fungal as well as improving foot hygiene.


  • Drying thoroughly between the toes after a shower

  • Changing socks regularly

  • Exposing the skin to air to encourage drying

  • Ensuring shoes are dry

Tinea - Viewbank Podiatry

What is a fungal nail?

Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a common nail condition caused by a fungal infection. It results in a fungal toenail that is often yellow or white, thickened, flaky or brittle. It is caused by a fungus either penetrating through the nail plate itself or infecting the skin underneath the nail plate (nail bed).

Causes of nail fungus

Nail fungus is caused by a fungal infection that enters the nail complex, either by penetrating through the nail plate itself or infecting the skin underneath the nail plate (nail bed).


Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments so sweaty feet and poor foot hygiene are factors that can make you more prone to tinea and fungal toenail infection.


Trauma is often a common overlooked factor involved in fungal toenail infections as it can cause lifting of the nail plate from the bed, allowing easy entry for fungal spores.

Fungal Toenail - Viewbank Podiatry
Fungal Toenail - Viewbank Podiatry

Nail fungus diagnosis and treatment

Nail fungus or onychomycosis is usually easily diagnosed clinically. Our Podiatrists are skilled at detecting fungal nails and in some cases a nail sample may need to be sent to pathology to confirm diagnosis.


It is important to eliminate other pathologies or conditions that may present similarly to a fungal nail. This could explain why antifungal treatments tried over a period of time have not been effective. These causes could be psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, a bacterial infection or trauma.


Podiatrists are skilled at deep burring of the nail. This allows topical treatments to work more effectively on fungal infections. 


If you think you have a fungal nail, then don’t delay! Early treatment can save a lengthy, unsightly nail from advancing.

What are warts?

Plantar warts or verruca pedis (VP) are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). A wart usually presents on the soles of the feet and is easily spread. Warts are very common in children and teenagers. Warts will thrive in a moist environment and can be contracted around swimming pools and shared changing rooms.


Warts may be difficult to treat. Your Podiatrist can determine the best treatment method whether it be strong acid-based treatments and/or liquid nitrogen. 

Plantar Warts - Viewbank Podiatry
Plantar Wart - Viewbank Podiatry
Cracked Heels - Viewbank Podiatry

What are fissures?

Fissures are cracks that are caused by dry, thickened skin. Fissures usually present on the heels and are more common in the summer months. Fissures can be caused by a number of factors including open footwear, excessive bodyweight, or altered foot mechanics.

Fissures can be managed effectively with your podiatrist through regular debridement of the hard skin and the use of a strong urea-based moisturizer or emollient. 

Ingrown Toenail - Viewbank Podiatry

What is an ingrown toenail?

An ingrown toenail is nail which grows into the flesh or the tissues on the side of the nail. This causes pain, redness and swelling of the surrounding tissues. If left untreated an ingrown toenail can lead to infection. A Podiatrist is best trained to diagnose, treat and prevent ingrown toenails.


If you are having trouble with ingrown nails, we suggest you try these three tips.  

  • Salt water bathing

  • Betadine Ointment & a sterile dressing 

  • Avoid cutting the nails into the corners.


If the pain and infection persists, see one of our Podiatrists to help ease your Ingrown Toenail.

What are sweaty / smelly feet?

Smelly feet, also known as bromhidrosis, is a common foot condition caused by a build up of bacteria on the feet resulting in an unpleasant foot odour. 


It is often associated with sweaty feet ( hyperhidrosis) and can be a major source of embarrassment for the patient.


People naturally have bacteria that live on the feet but too much bacteria can cause skin and oil break down. When the bacteria rids themselves of these wastes, they produce gases which results in an unpleasant foot odour.


The good news is that with podiatry treatment incidences of bromodosis or smelly feet can be reduced or prevented.


The following signs or symptoms may indicate smelly feet:

  • Sweat or perspiration on the soles of the feet or between the toes

  • Excess sweat or moisture in your socks after removal

  • An unpleasant smell or odour 

  • The presence of fungal infections on the skin of the feet

Podiatry treatment for smelly feet

Treatment is focused on eliminating the causative factors. This generally involves preventing perspiration and bacteria build up on the feet. Our Podiatrists can assess your smelly or perspiring feet and advise you on the best treatments and products to help combat foot odour.

Foot Inspection - Viewbank Podiatry

Viewbank Podiatry

© 2023 Viewbank Podiatry

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday
8.30am to 6.00pm

8.30am to 5.00pm

9.00am to 1.00pm

Get in touch

15 Martins Lane, Viewbank 3084

Phone: 03 9458 3911

Fax: 03 9455 2748

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